
Have you ever had an idea and struggled with what you want it to look like, sound like, or etc.?  That’s where making sure every step of your idea is created with intention comes in handy.  To guarantee the long term success of your dream idea, you have to create with intention. What is intention?  It’s the foundation of your idea. It’s your “why”.  

Is your creative idea for attention or fame? Is it to help people? Is it to express yourself?  These are questions that you need to answer so you can see your project through .  It’s helpful to have an intention statement that you can always look at to reference. Here’s how you can create your Intention Statement:

  1. Your creation, (whatever it is your creating, a clothing line, podcast, music, or etc.)
  2. It states a feeling you want people to have 
  3. Affirms what you want 

Listen to the podcast episode called Creating Your Intention Statement w/E for more tips on creating your intention statement.